# Feature roadmap

We are continuously prioritising our backlog based on our customers' suggestions and requests. If you let us know (opens new window) what you need, that will actually influence our roadmap.

This also means that the list below does not reflect committed time frames. It's just a snapshot and can change anytime based on the input we receive and other factors. Items within each time horizon are listed in no particular order.

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# Soon 1-3 months

  • Drag and drop table rows to re-group and re-level
  • Automatic background data refresh
  • Asset object attribute columns
  • More smart columns and history columns
  • More third-party app integrations
  • Improvements to sharing and embedding
  • Improvements to sheet exports

# Next 3+ months

  • Localisations
  • Dashboard gadget
  • Sheet access management
  • Open issues in side panel (Data Center)
  • Sheet API (Data Center)
  • Group by ranges
  • Add and remove values to multi-value fields in bulk
  • More cell format settings, e.g. alignment, decimal places, unit symbols

# Later 6+ months

  • Formulas in columns, cells, conditional formatting, etc.
  • Templates for sheets, views, structures, conditional formats, etc.
  • Embed sheet via Confluence macro
  • Per-level sorting and filtering settings in structures
  • Save row expansion state in views
  • Symbols, data bars, sparklines in conditional formatting
  • Delete issues in table
  • Duplicate and extended issue create in table

# Future 12+ months

  • Timelines
  • Charts
  • Cross-site sheets

# Currently blocked by Atlassian

Please upvote and comment on the following issues if you're interested. If you have a Technical Partner Manager at Atlassian, you may also want to bring these to their attention.

Updated: 25 July 2024