# JXL Data Center release notes

Feature change log of JXL for Data Center.

For more detailed release notes including minor fixes and improvements, browse the version history (opens new window) on the Atlassian Marketplace.


To get the latest release notes delivered straight to your email inbox, visit the app profile (opens new window) on the Atlassian Marketplace, sign in with an Atlassian account, scroll down to the Resources section, and click Watch App.

# 2024

# 2 Apr 2024 v3.6.2

Color Custom Fields app custom field support

  • Picker color custom field column
  • Select color custom field column

# 25 Mar 2024 v3.6.1

Work calendar

  • Optionally define a work calendar to ensure your work time is taken into consideration in history and smart column measurements

# 7 Mar 2024 v3.6.0

Embeddable sheet presentation, smart columns

  • Dedicated focused sheet view to embed in Confluence pages
  • Smart column: Affected version status
  • Smart column: Affected version description
  • Smart column: Fix version status
  • Smart column: Fix version description

# 19 Feb 2024 v3.5.6

Rich text improvements

  • Improved formatting and copy-pasting in rich text columns, including JEditor rendered fields

# 13 Feb 2024 v3.5.4

More history and smart columns

  • History column: Previous status
  • History column: Number of assignee changes, with configurable assignees
  • Smart column: Affected version release date
  • Smart column: Time since affected version release date
  • Smart column: Fix version release date
  • Smart column: Time to fix version release date

# 31 Jan 2024 v3.5.3

Status column improvements

  • Optionally hide looped transitions from the Status cell menu

# 23 Jan 2024 v3.5.2

More history columns

  • Time with assignee column, with configurable assignee
  • Time in status with assignee column, with configurable status and assignee
  • Time between statuses with assignee column, with configurable statuses and assignee
  • Date of status, with configurable status
  • Time since status, with configurable status
  • Date of status change, with configurable transition
  • Time since status changed, with configurable transition
  • Number of statuses, with configurable status
  • Number of status changes, with configurable transition

# 2023

# 20 Dec 2023 v3.5.1

History columns

  • Time in status column, with configurable status
  • Time between statuses column, with configurable statuses
  • Number of updates column

# 8 Nov 2023 v3.4.0

Hide and redact columns, small improvements

  • Hide columns to save different column layouts in views
  • Redact columns temporarily
  • Improvements to adding and removing columns
  • Improvements to searching in menus

# 24 Oct 2023 v3.3.1

Full page, editable Parent link cells

  • Expand your sheets to the full page for an even bigger table experience
  • Cells in Parent link columns are now also editable

# 4 Oct 2023 v3.3.0

Column filtering and table search improvements

  • Choose whether ancestor and descendant issues of column filtering and table search matches stay visible in results
  • More options to format Issue links, Linked issues, and Sub-tasks cells

# 29 Sep 2023 v3.2.0

Column filtering and table search improvements

  • Choose separately which levels of your hierarchy or structure each of your column filters and table search applies to

# 20 Sep 2023 v3.1.1

Sheet details, sum-up style

  • View metadata and add a description to your sheets
  • Percentile sum-up style

# 13 Sep 2023 v3.1.0

Choice of column filtering style, regular expressions search

  • Choose between column filtering styles text, number, date, date and time, time, or option filter
  • Use regular expressions in text column filtering, table search, and text conditions of conditional formatting
  • Optionally include column headers in CSV and TSV sheet exports

# 4 Sep 2023 v3.0.5

Sheet folders, more smart columns

  • Organise sheets in folders by typing two forward slashes // in the sheet title to nest it in a folder
  • Additional cell format options for Issue links column
  • Smart column: Sub-tasks progress
  • Smart column: Linked issues (as opposed to Issue links)

# 8 Aug 2023 v3.0.2

Assets, ScriptRunner, and Elements Connect custom field support

  • Custom field type: Assets single referenced object
  • Custom field type: Assets multiple referenced object
  • ScriptRunner Scripted Field custom field column
  • Elements Connect legacy Live text custom field column

# 2 Aug 2023 v3.0.1

Configurable Issue links cell content, column header format

  • Configure which issue link descriptions are included in Issue links columns' cells
  • Choose from 100 colours to format both foreground and background of column headers

# 18 Jul 2023 v3.0.0

Issue ranking

  • Drag and drop table rows to re-rank issues using Global rank fields (drag and drop to re-group and re-level also planned in future)

# 3 Jul 2023 v2.8.9

ScriptRunner column, conditional formatting improvements

  • ScriptRunner Multiple Issue Picker custom field column
  • New lime colour shades in conditional formatting

# 28 Jun 2023 v2.8.8

Custom fields support

  • Custom field type: Global rank

# 15 Jun 2023 v2.8.7

Smart column

  • Smart column: All commenters

# 12 Jun 2023 v2.8.6

Column filtering improvements, Jira Workflow Toolbox columns, smart column

  • You can now use a Me (current user) value in user field column filtering
  • Jira Workflow Toolbox Calculated text custom field column
  • Jira Workflow Toolbox Calculated number custom field column
  • Smart column: Linked issue types

# 17 May 2023 v2.8.4

Editable Issue links cells, Elements Connect columns

  • Cells in Issue links columns are now also editable
  • Elements Connect Live text custom field column
  • Elements Connect Live user custom field column
  • Elements Connect Snapshot text custom field column
  • Elements Connect Snapshot date custom field column
  • Elements Connect Snapshot datetime custom field column

# 10 May 2023 v2.8.3

Hierarchy visualisation improvements

  • Summary column values are now indented with tree branches according to their hierarchical depth (this can be disabled in column preferences)

# 3 May 2023 v2.8.2

More smart columns

  • Smart column: Sprint goal

# 15 Apr 2023 v2.8.0

Scope composer improvements, collapse expand level improvements

  • In addition to JQL queries, pick saved filters as sheet scope
  • In addition to the context menu actions, collapse and expand levels from a menu in the table toolbar

# 27 Mar 2023 v2.7.0

Dark theme, more columns

  • Choose from the original light theme that you're used to, a new higher-contrast light theme, and our beautiful new dark theme
  • Issue creator column

# 1 Mar 2023 v2.6.0

Scheme permissions, issue linking improvements, smart columns

  • Manage who can view and create, edit, delete sheets via scheme permissions
  • Copy and paste values in Issue links column
  • Optionally add issue summary to Issue links and Sub-tasks columns
  • Smart column: Status changed date
  • Smart column: Linked issue statuses
  • Jira Misc Custom Fields Calculated Number custom field column
  • Jira Misc Custom Fields Date custom field column
  • Jira Misc Custom Fields Date/Time custom field column

# 3 Feb 2023 v2.5.2

Multiple line text preview cards, more smart columns

  • Hover over multiple line text cells to show untruncated rich content preview cards
  • View in search action in context menu
  • Smart column: Issue link types
  • Smart column: Issue link descriptions
  • Smart column: First sprint
  • Smart column: Last sprint
  • Smart column: Active sprint
  • Smart column: Open sprint
  • Smart column: Future sprint

# 28 Jan 2023 v2.5.1

Copy sheets between projects, more columns, more level visibility options

  • Copy sheets between projects
  • Last viewed date column
  • Smart column: Time since last viewed
  • Option to hide child and bottom level issues without parents
  • Option to hide issues that are outside of levels

# 23 Jan 2023 v2.5.0

Enhanced conditional formatting, Jira keyboard shortcuts

  • Choose from 90 colours to format both foreground and background of cells and rows
  • Enabled Jira keyboard shortcuts in JXL pages, including the "gg" administration quick search (also known as dot menu)

# 12 Jan 2023 v2.4.6

Assets custom field support, smart column

  • Custom field type: Assets object
  • Smart column: All comments (when exported, all comments, their authors, times and dates are included)

# 2022

# 8 Dec 2022 v2.4.3

More smart columns

  • Smart column: Issue URL
  • Smart column: Customer portal issue URL
  • Smart column: Issue ID
  • Smart column: Project key
  • Smart column: Project ID

# 6 Dec 2022 v2.4.2

More smart columns

  • Smart column: Sprint status
  • Smart column: Sprint closure

# 4 Nov 2022 v2.4.1

Empty options in date and number column filtering

  • Empty and not empty options in date and date time column filtering
  • Empty and not empty options in number, time since, and time tracking column filtering
  • Configurable cell edit action of comments column

# 27 Oct 2022 v2.4.0

Views, sheet sharing, more columns, time tracking format

  • Save frequently used states of features and preferences as views in sheets
  • Share sheets with views enabled with other users
  • Configurable display format in time tracking columns

# 5 Sep 2022 v2.3.2

More column sum-ups

  • Sum-ups in "Time since..." columns with configurable sum-up style

# 17 Aug 2022 v2.3.1

New issue structure preference

  • Choose whether issues can be listed multiple times in the table across the hierarchy in structures

# 9 Aug 2022 v2.3.0

Conditional formatting, ScriptRunner and Multi-Level Cascading Select columns

  • Format background colour of cells and rows if field values meet specified conditions
  • ScriptRunner Single Issue Picker custom field column
  • Multi-Level Cascading Select column
  • Smart column: Images

# 14 Jul 2022 v2.2.0

Column freezing

  • Freeze columns on the left of the table

# 11 Jul 2022 v2.1.0

Issue counts in groupings

  • View issue counts in grouping rows

# 15 Jun 2022 v2.0.0

Site migration

  • Use the new migration feature to move your sheets between Jira sites

# 1 Jun 2022 v1.5.6

Smart columns

  • Smart column: Number of labels
  • Smart column: Number of components
  • Smart column: Number of affected versions
  • Smart column: Number of fix versions
  • Smart column: Number of sub-tasks
  • Smart column: Number of issue links
  • Smart column: Number of issues linked
  • Smart column: Number of attachments
  • Smart column: Number of comments

# 23 May 2022 v1.5.5

Image file viewer, smart columns, not empty in select column filtering

  • Insitu file viewer for image attachments
  • NOT EMPTY option in select column filtering menus
  • Smart column: First commented by user
  • Smart column: Last commented by user

# 4 May 2022 v1.5.4

Issue security

  • Security level column

# 3 May 2022 v1.5.3

In-app help, column filtering improvements, smart columns

  • In-app help panel
  • Select all action in column filtering menus
  • Use EMPTY keyword with logical operators in text column filtering and table search
  • Project category column
  • Smart column: Project type
  • Smart column: Project configuration type

# 23 Mar 2022 v1.5.0

Field sum-ups, smart column

  • Sum up table contents
  • Sum up groupings
  • Add sum-up levels to custom issue structures
  • Smart column: Time to due date

# 2 Mar 2022 v1.4.1

Global permission, smart columns

  • Manage who can make bulk changes to issues in sheets
  • Smart column: Date of first comment
  • Smart column: Date of last comment

# 23 Feb 2022 v1.4.0

Issue grouping, Easy Agile Programs columns, smart columns

  • Group issues by field values
  • In addition to hierarchy levels, use grouping levels in custom issue structures
  • Easy Agile Program column
  • Easy Agile Program increment column
  • Level-specific column filtering preference now also applies to the table search
  • Smart column: Time since status changed
  • Smart column: Time between created and resolved
  • Smart column: Last updated by user
  • Smart column: Last update action
  • Smart column: Number of sprints
  • Smart column: Attachments size

# 8 Feb 2022 v1.3.0

Global permissions, read-only columns, more custom fields support

  • Manage who can view and create, edit, delete sheets via global permissions
  • Optionally make columns read-only in your sheets
  • Custom field type: Single version select menu
  • Custom field type: Multiple version select menu
  • Custom field type: Readonly plain text

# 5 Jan 2022 v1.2.9

Relative date column filtering and expand/collapse levels

  • Filter date and time columns relative to now (e.g. today, or from yesterday to X days from now, etc.)
  • Expand and collapse entire levels from the context menu when issue hierarchy is enabled

# 2021

# 15 Dec 2021 v1.2.7

Hierarchy level filtering and level-specific column filtering

  • Hide issues without children in hierarchies
  • Control which hierarchy levels column filtering applies to

# 10 Dec 2021 v1.2.6

Row numbers

  • Optionally add row numbers for easier referencing of table positions in meetings

# 6 Dec 2021 v1.2.5

Rename columns

  • Change the heading of table columns in your sheets

# 29 Nov 2021 v1.2.3

Advanced search syntax with logical operators

  • Use logical operators (OR, AND, NOT), grouping (parentheses) and exact phrasing (quotation marks) in text column filtering and table search field

# 25 Nov 2021 v1.2.2

Custom field support

  • Custom field type: Projects

# 23 Nov 2021 v1.2.1

Adaptable sheets

  • Open sheets with an adapted scope and title using URL parameters

# 22 Nov 2021 v1.2.0

Custom issue hierarchy, time tracking formats, expand/collapse all issues

  • Create custom structures based on Advanced Roadmaps parent linkage, issue links, and more
  • Time tracking columns now observe Jira display format and default unit settings
  • Expand and collapse issues actions in context menu when issue hierarchy is enabled

# 4 Oct 2021 v1.1.4

Sheet starring

  • You can now pin your favourite sheets in the sheets directory and sheets menu by starring them

# 1 Oct 2021 v1.1.3

Sheets browsing improvements

  • Switch between recent and alphabetical sorting in sheets directory and sheets menu

# 28 Sep 2021 v1.1.2

SLA columns

  • Table columns for Jira Service Management SLA time fields

# 23 Sep 2021 v1.1.0

Issue hierarchy

  • Group issues by hierarchical relationships (Advanced Roadmaps issue levels also coming soon)

# 1 Sep 2021 v1.0.0

Initial public release

Updated: 15 July 2024