# Frequently asked questions

The JXL app experience is built on the shoulders of various Atlassian platforms and services. The Atlassian Marketplace (opens new window), Atlassian.com order form (opens new window), My Atlassian (opens new window), as well as Atlassian Support (opens new window) and their licensing and payment processes can be overwhelming at times. We're here to help.

# What is JXL?

JXL is an app that enhances Jira and requires an existing Jira subscription. To get started with your free trial, click the Try it free button on the Atlassian Marketplace (opens new window) to install the app in your Jira site.

# How do JXL sheets compare to Jira list views?

JXL is the all-in-one issue editor and organiser that offers much more than a basic table view, such as the List view in Jira Cloud. It's an elaborate platform that systematically combines the power of Jira with an extensive range of innovative tools and helpers to get things done.

JXL has pioneered and perfected many features that are not natively available in Jira. Others may approximate its design and capabilities, but JXL remains the original and benchmark for feature breadth, depth, speed, scalability, and overall unique experience quality.

Learn more about how JXL sheets compare to Jira list views (opens new window)

# For which Jira hosting options is JXL available?

We offer JXL apps for Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center.

# For which Jira products is JXL available?

All of them. JXL is compatible with Software Projects, Service management Projects, Business Projects, and Product discovery Projects (Cloud). It's agnostic of Jira products, Project types, templates and use cases. It supports Fields of and offers Smart columns for all Jira products.

# How do I try JXL?

You can start a free trial from the Atlassian Marketplace here JXL for Jira Cloud (opens new window) or here JXL for Jira Data Center (opens new window). For more detailed steps, check out Installation and purchase.

# How do I buy JXL?

JXL is paid to Atlassian, via the monthly or annual subscription of your Atlassian bill or quote. All payment methods generally accepted by Atlassian are also accepted for apps. In many cases, you should be able to self-serve using the Atlassian.com order form (opens new window).

In Jira Cloud, if you are on a monthly billing cycle with your Jira host licence, your trial of JXL should automatically result in a purchase at the end of the billing period following the period in which you first installed the app. I.e., you have at least a month and up to two months to test JXL. If you decide against buying JXL, no hard feelings, just uninstall the app before that point in time.

In Jira Data Center, and generally if you are on an annual billing cycle with your Jira host licence, potentially paid via quotes, payments can be a cumbersome process with Atlassian. As an app vendor on the Atlassian Marketplace, we are not involved. You might have to contact Atlassian Support (opens new window), or your Atlassian Account Manager, if you have one, and/or your reseller or Solution Partner who handles Jira licensing for you, if applicable.

Do not attempt to misuse evaluation licences

If you attempt to use JXL without payment beyond the non-renewable trial period that we offer via the Atlassian Marketplace Terms of Use (opens new window) and Terms and Conditions of JXL (opens new window), our licence misuse prevention measures will detect and block your host and licence. When in this state, you will have to contact us to resume, even after purchasing a commercial licence. We also reserve the right to block you permanently from using our app and service.

# How much does JXL cost?

You can find an overview of our pricing here on our website (opens new window).

You may also calculate the total price estimate for your Jira Cloud site including JXL with the Atlassian Cloud Calculator (opens new window).

# Which licence do I choose when buying JXL for Jira Data Center?

Atlassian does the app licensing for third-party vendors and their system requires that the number of app Users matches or exceeds the User tier of your Jira Data Center site (opens new window). You need to purchase the app licence that matches the highest Jira product tier. E.g., if you have a 500-User Jira licence, and a 20-Agent Jira Service Management licence, your Jira app licences must be at the 500-seat level.

# Can I buy JXL for a subset of my Jira users?

No. This is a common challenge for customers. Atlassian does the app licensing for third-party vendors and their system requires that the number of app Users matches the number of seats in the Jira Cloud site (opens new window), or matches or exceeds the User tier of your Jira Data Center site (opens new window). The app is also always available to all Users of your site, unless you choose to hide it from some using Permissions.

There's no way for us to do this any differently. We do believe our pricing model factors it in as much as possible and is extremely competitive. Considering what JXL contributes, it's a very affordable solution. Table views are a vital feature and something that’s natively available in all Jira competitor products. Typically, JXL usage proliferates quickly among all teams – be it development, service, ops, or business teams – and its licence cost can often be shared between multiple budgets if needed.

# Can I extend my trial?

Yes. If you need more time to test JXL, contact us and describe your circumstances. We should be able to arrange an extension of your trial period together with Atlassian.

You will then also need to contact Atlassian Support (opens new window) directly, choose Product Trials, then Extend product trials, your hosting option, and then JXL. If you don’t see these options, please contact your administrator or dedicated Atlassian Partner Manager.

In your message, you need to state that you contacted us, the app vendor, and that we approved. In order for us to confirm this to Atlassian, add us (sales@jxl.app) as participants to the ticket after it’s created, using the Share this request feature.

If you work with a reseller or Solution Partner who handles Jira licensing for you, Atlassian Support staff might ask you to add them to the ticket as well.

Do not attempt to misuse evaluation licences

If you attempt to use JXL without payment beyond the non-renewable trial period that we offer via the Atlassian Marketplace Terms of Use (opens new window) and Terms and Conditions of JXL (opens new window), our licence misuse prevention measures will detect and block your host and licence. When in this state, you will have to contact us to resume, even after purchasing a commercial licence. We also reserve the right to block you permanently from using our app and service.

# Can I get a discount for my subscription or renewal?

No. It would be great to welcome or retain you as a customer at the full list price though. We believe our app is extremely competitively priced and very affordable considering what it contributes. Comparable apps in the Atlassian Marketplace often cost over 50% more, and JXL covers and substitutes the features and capabilities of a whole range of other apps. We also believe our pricing model factors in the possibility that not necessarily all Users of a Jira site might be using the app.

We realise that this is not the stance that you might have hoped for, but we trust that you see where we’re coming from. We know that the cost of our app and service forms part of its overall experience, which is why in terms of pricing we are operating towards the lower limit of what’s reasonable for a SaaS business. We promise to invest your payment into R&D and further awesome features.

# Is JXL secure?

Yes. Security and privacy are architecturally planned and built into the fabric of our app, infrastructure, processes and services, so you can rest assured that your data is always protected. Your data is stored exclusively in your Jira site.

JXL has obtained all possible checks and program certifications from Atlassian. Our reliability and support are certified Cloud Fortified (opens new window) by Atlassian, our security regularly reviewed by researchers in our bug bounty program (opens new window), and verified by Atlassian's reviewed Cloud Security Participant (opens new window) program, and our apps are scanned by the Atlassian Ecoscanner Platform (opens new window) (Cloud, Data Center) and Atlassian Security Scanner (opens new window) (Data Center).

You can find in-depth information on our security, privacy and data protection posture, as well as a public CAIQ-Lite Cloud Security Alliance Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire response, here on our website (opens new window).

# What happens in the event of an outage?

For the event of an incident of any kind that might affect JXL for Jira Cloud, you can check and subscribe to notifications on the JXL Status (opens new window) site. Since we don't store any user data externally from your Jira site, it covers AWS core infrastructure, our global CDN for static assets, serverless compute gateway services, as well as relevant Atlassian Marketplace services and Jira APIs.

# More

If the answers above didn't help, contact us (opens new window).

Updated: 26 Mar 2025