# Supported fields

Request fields

If you come across a Field that's missing or that you think should work differently, feel free to let us know (opens new window) and we'll look into it.

# Jira system fields

Jira Software Projects, Service management Projects, Business Projects, and Product discovery Projects (Cloud) system Fields, locked Fields, and other issue properties and data supported by JXL. Edit functionality is offered inline in the table cells, in bespoke dialogs, and/or via pasting. Not all Fields exist in Jira Cloud, Jira Data Center and Jira Server.

Fields and data View Edit
Issue type
Issue key
Status category
Created date
Updated date
Resolved date
Start date
Due date
Affects versions
Fix versions
Project category
Parent of sub-task
Issue links (configurable)
Security level
Original estimate
Time spent
Remaining estimate
Work ratio
Σ Original estimate
Σ Time spent
Σ Remaining estimate
Σ Progress
Epic name
Epic link
Epic status
Epic color
Issue color
Story point estimate
Business value
Target start
Target end
Parent link
Number of pull requests
Pull requests status
Number of builds
Builds status
Request participants
Request type
Request language
Satisfaction date
SLA time fields
Affected services
Major incident
Atlas project key
Atlas project status

# Custom field types

Custom field types supported by JXL.

Field types View Edit
Single line text (Short text)
Single line text read-only
Multiple line text (Paragraph)
Single choice select list (Dropdown)
Multiple choice select list
Date picker
Datetime picker (Time stamp)
URL (Hyperlink)
Radio buttons
Labels picker
Single people picker
Multiple people picker
Single group picker
Multiple group picker
Cascading select list (Dependent dropdown)
Project picker
Single version picker
Multiple version picker
Global rank
Assets object picker
Assets single referenced object picker
Assets multiple referenced object picker
Date range picker (Interval)
Checkbox (Boolean)

# Third-party fields

Most Fields of text, number, date, datetime, and select types by third-party apps are supported as table columns. JXL also offers dedicated columns for the following third-party apps' Fields:

Fields View Edit
BigPicture (opens new window) Risk consequence
BigPicture (opens new window) Risk probability
BigPicture (opens new window) Task mode
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Calculated custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Decimal Number custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Issue Rating custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) JQL Filter custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Min/Max Range custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) MoSCoW Prioritization custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Progress Bar custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Sum/Average of numeric values in linked issues custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) T-Shirt Size custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Traffic Lights custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) True False custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Abbreviate Numbers custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Time in Status custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) RICE custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) ICE custom field
Caelor Fields (opens new window) Issue Picker custom field
Caelor Linksy (opens new window) Advanced Issue Links custom field
codecentric Issue Picker (opens new window) custom field
Color Custom Fields (opens new window) Picker color custom field
Color Custom Fields (opens new window) Select color custom field
Easy Agile Programs (opens new window) Program
Easy Agile Programs (opens new window) Program increment
Elements Connect (opens new window) Live text custom field
Elements Connect (opens new window) legacy Live text custom field
Elements Connect (opens new window) Live user custom field
Elements Connect (opens new window) Snapshot text custom field
Elements Connect (opens new window) Snapshot date custom field
Elements Connect (opens new window) Snapshot datetime custom field
eSign (opens new window) Signature export
eSign (opens new window) Signature count
eSign (opens new window) Signature finalised
eSign (opens new window) Signature pending
eSign (opens new window) Signature status count
eSign (opens new window) Signed by
eSign (opens new window) Signed on
Issue Checklist (opens new window) Checklist
Issue Checklist (opens new window) Checklist completed
Issue Checklist (opens new window) Checklist progress
Issue Checklist (opens new window) Checklist progress %
JMCF (opens new window) Number custom field
JMCF (opens new window) Date custom field
JMCF (opens new window) Date/Time custom field
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Attachment count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Bugs of Epic count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Bugs of Epic in Done status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Bugs of Epic in In Progress status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Bugs of Epic in To Do status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Children of Epic count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Children of Epic in Done status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Children of Epic in In Progress status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Children of Epic in To Do status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Comment count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Issue link count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Stories of Epic count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Stories of Epic in Done status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Stories of Epic in In Progress status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Stories of Epic in To Do status category count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Subtask count
JQL Search Extensions (opens new window) Updated by users count
JWT (opens new window) Calculated text custom field
JWT (opens new window) Calculated number custom field
Multi-Level Cascading Select (opens new window) custom field
ScriptRunner (opens new window) Scripted Field custom field
ScriptRunner (opens new window) Scripted Field custom field
ScriptRunner (opens new window) Single Issue Picker custom field
ScriptRunner (opens new window) Multiple Issue Picker custom field
Smart Fields (opens new window) Smart text custom field
Smart Fields (opens new window) Smart number custom field
STAGIL Issue Picker (opens new window) custom field
Tempo (opens new window) Team
Tempo (opens new window) Account
Tempo (opens new window) Team
Tempo (opens new window) Account

# Smart columns

Calculated and other issue-related data columns offered by JXL.

Data View Edit
Number of labels
Number of components
Number of affected versions
Number of fix versions
Number of sub-tasks
Number of issue links
Number of linked issues
Number of attachments
Number of comments
Number of sprints
Number of affected services
First sprint
Last sprint
Active sprint
Open sprint
Future sprint
Sprint status
Sprint closure
Sprint goal
Affected version release date (configurable)
Time since affected version release date (configurable)
Fix version release date (configurable)
Time to fix version release date (configurable)
Affected version status (configurable)
Affected version description (configurable)
Fix version status (configurable)
Fix version description (configurable)
Time to or since start date
Time to or since due date
Time to or since target start
Time to or since target end
Attachments size
Parent (merged Parent, Epic link, Parent link)
Parent issue type
Parent priority
Parent status
Parent summary
Sub-tasks progress
Sub-tasks done percentage
Sub-task statuses
Issue link descriptions
Issue link types
Linked issues
Linked issue statuses
Linked issue types
Issue URL
Customer portal issue URL
Issue ID
Project key
Project ID
Project type
Project configuration type
Domain of reporter
Domain of assignee
Request channel
SLA - Goal duration
SLA - Time elapsed
SLA - Time remaining
SLA - Time since breached
SLA - Progress
SLA - Cycle status
SLA - Met vs breached
SLA - Start time
SLA - Finish time
SLA - Breach time
Date custom field - Time to or since value
Datetime custom field - Time to or since value (configurable)
Multi value custom field - Number of values
Satisfaction comment
All comments
All commenters
First comment
First comment visibility
Date of first comment
Time since first comment (configurable)
First commented by user
Last comment
Last comment visibility
Date of last comment
Time since last comment (configurable)
Last commented by user
First internal comment
Date of first internal comment
Time since first internal comment (configurable)
First internally commented by user
Last internal comment
Date of last internal comment
Time since last internal comment (configurable)
Last internally commented by user
All external comments
First external comment
Date of first external comment
Time since first external comment (configurable)
First externally commented by user
Last external comment
Date of last external comment
Time since last external comment (configurable)
Last externally commented by user
First comment by customer
Date of first comment by customer
Time since first comment by customer (configurable)
First commented by customer
Last comment by customer
Date of last comment by customer
Time since last comment by customer (configurable)
Last commented by customer
First response to customer
Date of first response to customer
Time since first response to customer (configurable)
First responded to customer by user
Time between created and first response to customer
Last response to customer
Date of last response to customer
Time since last response to customer (configurable)
Last responded to customer by user

Smart column: Notes

This column is only available in JXL for Jira Cloud, not in JXL for Jira Data Center.
In cells of this column, you can add notes to an Issue. These notes are only shown in the context of the particular Sheet you added them to, and they become inaccessible if you delete the Sheet. This is not a Jira Field and its information not visible on the Issue view. (However, the data is not encrypted and could be accessed via the Issue Property API by any User who has Permission to view the relevant Issue.)

# History columns

Columns offered by JXL, that surface historical issue-related data. Some of these columns require configuration and some might negatively affect the loading time of the Sheet they're used in significantly, depending on the amount of historical data loaded from Jira.

Data View Edit
Time in status (configurable)
Time between statuses (configurable)
Time with assignee (configurable)
Time in status with assignee (configurable)
Time between statuses with assignee (configurable)
Date of status (configurable)
Time since status (configurable)
Date of status change (configurable)
Time since status changed (configurable)
Number of statuses (configurable)
Number of status changes (configurable)
Number of assignee changes (configurable)
Previous status
Date of status category change
Time since status category changed (configurable)
Time since created (configurable)
Time since updated (configurable)
Time since resolved (configurable)
Time between created and resolved
Last viewed date
Time since last viewed (configurable)
Date of last public activity
Time since last public activity (configurable)
Last update action
Last updated by user
Number of updates

# Time in status v3.5.1

This History column offers the following configuration options.


Choose one or multiple Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.


Specify which occurrence/s of triggers you'd like the measurement to entail, in case there are multiple occurrences.

  • Latest - Capture the last occurrence
  • Earliest - Capture the first occurrence
  • Shortest - Capture the shortest occurrence
  • Longest - Capture the longest occurrence
  • Average - Calculate the average length of all occurrences
  • Median - Calculate the median length of all occurrences
  • All - Capture and sum up all occurrences
  • All including gaps - Capture and sum up all occurrences and include gaps between them

Work calendar v3.6.1

Optionally create a Work calendar to ensure only your work time is taken into consideration.

# Time between statuses v3.5.1

This History column offers the following configuration options.

From status

Specify the exact trigger point when you'd like the measurement to begin.

  • Transition to or creation in - When the Issue is transitioned into or created in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition to - When the Issue is transitioned to into the specified Status or Statuses
  • Creation in - When the Issue is created in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from - When the Issue is transitioned away from the specified Status or Statuses

Choose one or multiple Statuses in which you'd like the measurement to begin.

To status

Specify the exact trigger point when you'd like the measurement to end.

  • Transition to - When the Issue is transitioned into the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from or now in - When the Issue is transitioned away from or is currently in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from - When the Issue is transitioned away from the specified Status or Statuses
  • Now in - When the Issue is currently in the specified Status or Statuses

Choose one or multiple Statuses in which you'd like the measurement to end.


Specify which occurrence/s of triggers you'd like the measurement to entail, in case there are multiple occurrences.

  • Latest - Capture the last occurrence
  • Earliest - Capture the first occurrence
  • Shortest - Capture the shortest occurrence
  • Longest - Capture the longest occurrence
  • Average - Calculate the average length of all occurrences
  • Median - Calculate the median length of all occurrences
  • All - Capture and sum up all occurrences
  • All including gaps - Capture and sum up all occurrences and include gaps between them

Work calendar v3.6.1

Optionally create a Work calendar to ensure only your work time is taken into consideration.

# Time with assignee v3.5.2

This History column offers the following configuration options.


Choose one or multiple Users that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.


Specify which occurrence/s of triggers you'd like the measurement to entail, in case there are multiple occurrences.

  • Latest - Capture the last occurrence
  • Earliest - Capture the first occurrence
  • Shortest - Capture the shortest occurrence
  • Longest - Capture the longest occurrence
  • Average - Calculate the average length of all occurrences
  • Median - Calculate the median length of all occurrences
  • All - Capture and sum up all occurrences
  • All including gaps - Capture and sum up all occurrences and include gaps between them

Work calendar v3.6.1

Optionally create a Work calendar to ensure only your work time is taken into consideration.

# Time in status with assignee v3.5.2

This History column offers the following configuration options.


Choose one or multiple Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.


Choose one or multiple Users that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.


Specify which occurrence/s of triggers you'd like the measurement to entail, in case there are multiple occurrences.

  • Latest - Capture the last occurrence
  • Earliest - Capture the first occurrence
  • Shortest - Capture the shortest occurrence
  • Longest - Capture the longest occurrence
  • Average - Calculate the average length of all occurrences
  • Median - Calculate the median length of all occurrences
  • All - Capture and sum up all occurrences
  • All including gaps - Capture and sum up all occurrences and include gaps between them

Work calendar v3.6.1

Optionally create a Work calendar to ensure only your work time is taken into consideration.

# Time between statuses with assignee v3.5.2

This History column offers the following configuration options.

From status

Specify the exact trigger point when you'd like the measurement to begin.

  • Transition to or creation in - When the Issue is transitioned into or created in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition to - When the Issue is transitioned to into the specified Status or Statuses
  • Creation in - When the Issue is created in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from - When the Issue is transitioned away from the specified Status or Statuses

Choose one or multiple Statuses in which you'd like the measurement to begin.

To status

Specify the exact trigger point when you'd like the measurement to end.

  • Transition to - When the Issue is transitioned into the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from or now in - When the Issue is transitioned away from or is currently in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from - When the Issue is transitioned away from the specified Status or Statuses
  • Now in - When the Issue is currently in the specified Status or Statuses

Choose one or multiple Statuses in which you'd like the measurement to end.


Choose one or multiple Users that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.


Specify which occurrence/s of triggers you'd like the measurement to entail, in case there are multiple occurrences.

  • Latest - Capture the last occurrence
  • Earliest - Capture the first occurrence
  • Shortest - Capture the shortest occurrence
  • Longest - Capture the longest occurrence
  • Average - Calculate the average length of all occurrences
  • Median - Calculate the median length of all occurrences
  • All - Capture and sum up all occurrences
  • All including gaps - Capture and sum up all occurrences and include gaps between them

Work calendar v3.6.1

Optionally create a Work calendar to ensure only your work time is taken into consideration.

# Date of / Time since status v3.5.2

This History column offers the following configuration options.


Specify the exact trigger point you'd like the measure.

  • Transition to or creation in - When the Issue is transitioned into or created in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition to - When the Issue is transitioned to into the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from or now in - When the Issue is transitioned away from or is currently in the specified Status or Statuses
  • Transition from - When the Issue is transitioned away from the specified Status or Statuses

Optionally choose one or multiple specific Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.


Specify which occurrence of triggers you'd like the measurement to entail, in case there are multiple occurrences.

  • Latest - Capture the last occurrence
  • Earliest - Capture the first occurrence

Work calendar v3.6.1

Optionally create a Work calendar to ensure only your work time is taken into consideration.

# Date of / Time since status changed v3.5.2

This History column offers the following configuration options.

From status

Optionally choose one or multiple specific origin Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.

To status

Optionally choose one or multiple specific destination Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.


Specify which occurrence of triggers you'd like the measurement to entail, in case there are multiple occurrences.

  • Latest - Capture the last occurrence
  • Earliest - Capture the first occurrence

Work calendar v3.6.1

Optionally create a Work calendar to ensure only your work time is taken into consideration.

# Number of statuses v3.5.2

This History column offers the following configuration options.


Optionally choose one or multiple specific Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.

# Number of status changes v3.5.2

This History column offers the following configuration options.

From status

Optionally choose one or multiple specific origin Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.

To status

Optionally choose one or multiple specific destination Statuses that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.

# Number of assignee changes v3.5.4

This History column offers the following configuration options.

From user

Optionally choose one or multiple specific origin Users that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.

To user

Optionally choose one or multiple specific destination Users that you'd like to be triggers for the measurement.

# Merged columns

In JXL for Jira Cloud, you can use merged columns that consolidate values from multiple individual Fields from Team-managed projects.

This is helpful when you'd like to roll up these Fields in one Sheet. Fields in Team-managed projects are separate, unrelated entities and would otherwise be displayed in separate columns.

If there are multiple Fields with the exact same name and a similar Field type configured in your Jira site, across both Team-managed projects and Company-managed projects, JXL offers a merged column that you can add to your Sheets. The following similar Field types will be joined in these columns, as long as the relevant Fields have the exact same name.

Text fields

  • Single line text (Short text)
  • Multiple line text (Paragraph)
  • Single line text read-only

Select list fields

  • Single choice select list (Dropdown)
  • Multiple choice select list
  • Cascading select list (Dependent dropdown)
  • Checkboxes

People fields

  • Single people picker
  • Multiple people picker

Group fields

  • Single group picker
  • Multiple group picker

Version fields

  • Single version picker
  • Multiple version picker

Date fields

  • Date picker
  • Date range picker (Interval)

Number fields

  • Number
  • Rating
  • Slider
Updated: 4 Mar 2025