# Permissions

Permissions can be granted to Users Jira wide or per Project, as JXL offers both Global permissions and Scheme permissions. Having granted one of the two suffices for a User to gain the applicable abilities.

Important security note about Jira APIs

Regardless of Global permissions and Scheme permissions, the following exceptions apply.

All Users who have Administer Jira or Administer Projects Permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud the Administrator role), can read, create, edit, and delete unencrypted sheet metadata in the applicable Project via the Project Property API of Jira.

All Users who have Browse Projects / View Projects Permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud at least the Viewer role), can read unencrypted sheet metadata in the applicable Project via the Project Property API of Jira.

# Global permissions

When JXL is installed in Jira, the following Global permissions (opens new window) can be found in Jira settings in the System section under Global permissions. Global permissions in Jira are ideal if you do not need to manage restrictions per Project. In this case, you can utilise Global permissions and ignore Scheme permissions, as having granted one of the two suffices for a User to gain the applicable abilities.

# Viewing sheets v1.3.0

Users who are member of a Group that has JXL: View sheets Global permission gain the ability to navigate to and view Sheets and the sheets directory.

Important: In Projects, additionally Users must have Browse Projects / View Projects Scheme permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud at least the Viewer role).

# Editing sheets v1.3.0

Users who are member of a Group that has JXL: Edit sheets Global permission gain the ability to create, edit and delete Sheets, as well as Structures, Conditional formats, and Views within Sheets.

Important: Users who have this Global permission additionally need Edit Issues Scheme permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud at least the Member role), or alternatively Administer Jira Global permission or Administer Projects Scheme permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud the Administrator role) in Projects.

# Bulk editing issues in sheets v1.4.1

Users who are member of a Group that has JXL: Make bulk changes in sheets Global permission gain the ability to clear and paste field values in a selection across multiple Issues at once in Sheets.

# Viewing the sheets directory v2.6.0

Users who are member of a Group that has JXL: View sheets directory Global permission gain the ability to navigate to and view the sheets directory. This is useful for Users who don't have the Global permission to view Sheets but the Scheme permission, which does not include the ability to access the sheets directory.

# Scheme permissions

When JXL is installed in Jira, the following Scheme permissions (opens new window) can be found in Project settings under Permissions. Scheme permissions in Jira are ideal if you need to manage restrictions per Project. In this case, make sure to utilise only Scheme permissions, not Global permissions, as having granted one of the two suffices for a User to gain the applicable abilities.

In Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud, Permissions are granted via Roles instead of Schemes. In the relevant Project, navigate to Project settings, then Access (or Internal access in a Service management Project), click Manage roles, then Create role. When defining your Role, open the App permissions tab and add the Permissions from the Perform JXL actions section. Assign this Role to your Users.

# Viewing sheets v2.6.0

Users who have JXL: View sheets Scheme permission gain the ability to navigate to and view Sheets in the applicable Project.

Tip: Users who have this Scheme permission, but not the equivalent Global permission, also need JXL: View sheets directory Global permission to be able to view the sheets directory.

# Editing sheets v2.6.0

Users who have JXL: Edit sheets Scheme permission gain the ability to create, edit and delete Sheets, as well as Structures, Conditional formats, and Views within Sheets in the applicable Project.

# Bulk editing issues in sheets v2.6.0

Users who have JXL: Make bulk changes in sheets Scheme permission gain the ability to clear and paste field values in a selection across multiple Issues at once in Sheets in the applicable Project.

# Sheet access management v4.2.0

Important security note about access management

The sheet access management feature is not a security measure to protect sensitive data, but a simple means to improve organisation of Sheets within Projects. Keep in mind:

All Users who have Administer Jira or Administer Projects Permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud the Administrator role), can edit and delete Sheets in the applicable Project. This is to avoid ownerless, irremovable Sheets.

All Users who have Administer Jira or Administer Projects Permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud the Administrator role), can read, create, edit, and delete unencrypted sheet metadata in the applicable Project via the Project Property API of Jira.

All Users who have Browse Projects / View Projects Permission (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud at least the Viewer role), can read unencrypted sheet metadata in the applicable Project via the Project Property API of Jira.

To manage access for a particular Sheet, click the Manage access icon at the top right of the relevant Sheet. In the dialog that appears, choose between the following options.

Open - Anyone can view or edit (provided they have the required JXL permissions)
Private - Only specific people can view or edit

If you pick Private, you can add and remove Users and Groups and specify for each if they are able to view or edit the Sheet. The ability to edit includes the ability to view a Sheet.

Sheet access versus JXL permissions

The sheet access management feature works in addition to Global permissions and Scheme permissions, i.e. the JXL: View sheets and JXL: Edit sheets permissions are still fundamentally required to view or edit Sheets. However, sheet access can be configured so that individual Users and Groups do not have these abilities despite having been granted the Global permissions or Scheme permissions.

For example, if a user does not have JXL: Edit sheets Permission, then they cannot receive the ability to edit a Sheet via the sheet access management feature only. However, if a user has JXL: Edit sheets Permission, they can be excluded from editing a particular Sheet via its sheet access management.

# Issue permissions

This might be stating the obvious, but individual Users' Jira Permissions to view and edit specific Issues and Fields are inherited and respected in Sheets.

# Viewing issues and fields in sheets

Table rows where a User does not have the necessary Permission to view the relevant Issue, are not visible for that User. This could be e.g. due to missing Browse Projects / View Issues Scheme permission in the applicable Project (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud at least the Viewer role), or non-membership in a required Issue Security Level.

# Editing issues and fields in sheets

Table rows where a User does have Permission to view but not edit the relevant Issue, are visible but not editable for that User. This could be e.g. due to missing Edit Issues Scheme permission in the applicable Project (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud at least the Member role), or missing Service Project Agent Scheme permission in a Service management Project (or in Team-managed projects in Jira Cloud the Agent role).

Updated: 26 Mar 2025